Arts Outreach and Engagement
Arts NC State Outreach and Engagement integrates the arts into the academic and social fabric of campus by creating engagement opportunities connected with arts programming, and cultivating collaborative partnerships both on campus and in the community.
Outreach and engagement programs are a vital component of the arts at NC State, reaching 4,000 + students via student engagement efforts, generating over $116,500 in student funding via the prestigious art awards and art sales (over $70,000 in sales from the Student Art Sale program since 2015 and over $46,500 in funding for endowed awards open to all students), reaching over 4000 faculty via the Curricular Connections Guide since 2014 and fosters new relationships with community partners each semester.
Arts Outreach and Engagement’s core programs include the Curricular Connections Guide, the Student Art Sale, the awards programs, community outreach, the internship program, and the Arts Village.
Amy Sawyers-Williams leads the arts outreach and engagement office and can be reached for questions at: