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Dance Students Summer Intensive with CONTRA-TIEMPO

Two NC State Dance Program students Brooke Yannayon and Matthew Wright completed Futuro Summer Dance Intensive in Los Angeles, CA led by a multilingual urban Latin dance theater company CONTRA-TIEMPO.

Brooke and Matthew first met CONTRA-TIEMPO at NC State University in February during its residency with the Panoramic Dance Project when student company members learned an excerpt from Agua Furiosa and performed it in spring 2017 in Stewart Theatre –– on the same stage CONTRA-TIEMPO performed Agua Furiosa in 2016 presented by NC State LIVE.

At the summer intensive, Brooke and Matthew continued learning Urban Latin Dance Theater technique rooted in Afro-Cuban and Puerto Rican traditional and social dance forms, as well as urban and contemporary forms.

The technique epitomizes art as social action, incorporating leadership development, community-building strategies and social theater techniques such as Augusto Boal’s Theater of the Oppressed.
