Leading Ladies Talkback
Alpha Psi Omega, University Theatre’s Dramatic Honor Society is pairing with the NC State GLBT Center to host a talkback event immediately following the Friday, February 19 performance of Leading Ladies.
As a broad comedy, Leading Ladies often uses sensitive gender and sexuality-based issues as punchlines. While we understand that this type of comedy may not be immoral, it definitely raises a need for discussion. This conversation will focus on not letting the humorous hyperbole dictate how we behave in our daily lives. All are welcome to join this inclusive and frank discussion, even if you did not attend Friday’s performance.
The mission of the NC State GLBT Center is to engage, develop, and empower members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities and their allies. They can be reached by calling 919.513.9742 or by emailing them at glbtcenter@ncsu.edu.
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