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Monday morning arts news, September 12


Monday, September 12

• NC State LIVE: Ana Maria Alvarez, choreographer and artistic director of CONTRA-TIEMPO, and Grammy Award-winning Afro Latin jazz composer and pianist Arturo O’Farrill will join the NC State Honors Forum for a lecture/demonstration. Repeats on September 13. Alvarez and O’Farrill are on campus for an artist residency in advance of their world premiere performance scheduled for March 31, 2023.

• University Theatre: Registration opens for QuickSCRIPTS #1, a free performance where you get to see how four different writers, directors, and casts interpret the same prompt with just 24 hours’ notice.

Tuesday, September 13 through Saturday, September 17

• Gregg Museum of Art & Design: Visit your museum! Galleries are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursday, September 15

• Dance Program Masterclass Series: Breakin’ Grooves with Brandon McCrimmon aka No Cents. Free for NC State students, faculty and staff. Learn more and register. 5:45 p.m. Carmichael Dance Studio 2307.

• Gregg Museum of Art & Design: Artist talk, discussion and tour with Across the Threshold of India photographer Martha Strawn, and scholar and author Vijaya Nagarajan. Learn more. 6 p.m.

Friday, September 16

• University Theatre: The WRIGHT Way reading (Muse by NC State student Gaven Bell). Learn more and register. 7 p.m. Kennedy-McIlwee Studio Theatre.

Sunday, September 18

• NC State LIVE: Free 50th anniversary season block party headlined by Squonk (featuring giant puppets, live prog rock, Fusion Dance Crew, Wolfgang A Cappella, WKNC, t-shirt giveaways, Howling Cow, cake, Poetry Fox, Scrap Exchange and the Arts Club at NC State). 1 to 5 p.m. Stafford Commons.


• What do rainy days mean to you? Do you slow down? Do you dream? Check out Rich Holly’s latest “Our Life in The Arts” blog post.

• Take a YouTube break with the Gregg Museum’s recent video project. Jeanny Sandoval interviews horticultural science professor Anne Spafford about the Rose Jackson and Evelyn Thiem pollinator garden.

• HerBlackHand Poetry Workshop: The African American Cultural Center and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies are hosting a poetry workshop with writer and spoken word artist Alexis Lawson, currently the featured artist in the Cultural Center gallery. Learn more. Friday, September 16 at 5 p.m.


• Technician: The WRIGHT Way Series supports student playwrights the right way – from start to finish. Technician writer Emily Cooney highlights the student-written play development process at University Theatre.

• Technician: NC State Shows Off Its Musical Talent. Videographers Katherine Wan and Ankith Krishna recap the Department of Music’s September 2 All Music Showcase on Stafford Commons.

• Technician: Triangle-based band Weston Estate captures evolving sound. Technician writer Matthew Burkhart interviews two NC State student members of Weston Estate, an indie band signed under a Sony record label: Abhishek Manhass, a bass guitarist majoring in applied mathematics and guitarist Srikar Nanduri, majoring in biological sciences.

• Inside WFU: Gellar-Goad receives largest-ever federal grant earned by a WFU humanities professor & award from Women’s Classical Caucus. These days he is an associate professor of classics at Wake Forest University. Back in the day, Ted Gellar-Goad ’06 was one of our extraordinary arts students at NC State. As an undergrad, he created our first Curricular Connections Guide for the arts. He performed in multiple NC State music ensembles, and in 2006, the Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra premiered his composition titled “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.” Gellar-Goad’s innovative approach to teaching was highlighted in this 2014 Wake Forest Magazine article.

See a two-month list of campus arts events and exhibitions, posted on the first day of each month.