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Ready to Rise Up!

Scene Shop Interest Meeting

Wednesday & Thursday 8/23-24 5pm
Frank Thompson Hall – Scene Shop
Curious about participating in the scene shop this year? This will be a quick meeting to find out what you’re interested in, your past experiences in tech theatre and what you want to learn. If you cannot attend either of these two meetings, please email Jayme Mellema at for more info.

Costume Shop Interest Meeting

Thursday 8/24 5:30pm
Frank Thompson Hall – Costume Shop

Interested in volunteering in the shop this semester or learning more about the costume shop? We will discuss your past experiences and talk about what you would be interested in learning. If you cannot attend this meeting, please email Laura Parker at to discuss setting up volunteer shop hours.

SM/ASM Interest Meeting

Thursday 8/24 6pm

Frank Thompson Hall room 300

This 1/2 hour meeting is geared for anyone who is interested in stage management here at NC State. We will discuss the role of the Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager in rehearsal, tech, and performance. You’ll get a chance to meet some current and former SM and ASMs to ask questions. If you cannot attend this meeting, please email Joshua Reaves at for more info.
