Support the Arts
Why We Need You
The arts are a vital part of education, and NC State University recognizes the importance of fostering arts programs—both for our students and for the larger community. The mission of Arts NC State is to enhance the environment of the university and our community with rich and diverse events, installations, and opportunities and to make the arts a significant part of every student’s educational experience.
Arts NC State receives only 18% of its annual budget from state appropriations. While significant support is generated from ticket sales and student fees, we rely upon our donors to cover the majority of our expenses. Your generous donations ensure that we continue to fulfill our mission year after year and continue to impact the students, faculty and community members who participate in our programs. We can’t do it without your help.
Support Specific Arts NC State Programs and Partners
- Crafts Center
- Department of Performing Arts and Technology
- Gregg Museum
- Music
- NC State LIVE
- University Theatre
Artist Residencies
Artist residencies allow students and artists to learn from one another and to create together in sustained, immersive ways. Arts NC State programs actively work with professional artists who are passionate about both creating and teaching. They engage our entire community, forging unforgettable partnerships between NC State and the worldwide community of artists. These experiences can only become regular parts of Arts NC State’s programming through significant investments of private support.
NC State is a hub for technology and innovation. Creativity is required for innovation. And where better for students to learn and hone creative skills than in the arts? Arts NC State seeks to reflect the university’s think and do ethos by offering leading-edge technology to members of the campus and local communities. We envision digital workstations for the Department of Music, a high-tech makerspace within the Crafts Center, among other exciting projects. Private giving will turn these ideas into realities.
Take an extra-close look next time you visit a Gregg Museum of Art & Design exhibition or attend an Arts NC State performance. So much surrounds you— lights, sounds, staging—and all of those things are vital to your experience. Investments in equipment create opportunities for us to produce and present art in new, compelling, and unexpected ways.
Student Travel
Off-campus opportunities lead to unforgettable experiences, but they can be prohibitively expensive for students, many of whom are already struggling to meet their on-campus tuition and living expense obligations. Donors can help equalize access to student travel with their support. Giving enriches students personally and professionally, as they will be required to think globally and engage with people and ideas from all around the world throughout their careers. To learn more about the Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign, click here.